Kentucky Yoga Festival
Hosted by: Seven Springs Sorgum presents the Barn at Node, in Center, Kentucky

Trinity Wave dances and live does live painting to music by Flint Blade and members of "Earth Om Ether"
This intimate Yoga Festival nestled in the rolling hills of Kentucky is a great get away to connect, revive, and rejuvenate with high vibrational energy among yoga enthuasists.
Tonic True Nature offers delicious non-alcholic elixirs made with homemade maple syrup. Tonic True Nature is also involves in providing holistic therapies at events, and at their B N B sanctuary.
Weslyn Wolven and Tommy Clark members of "Earth Om Ether" perform in front of "Lotus Light" tapestry

Lindsey Kristen (Pictured Right) talking with Seven Springs property owner, also hosts Airbnb guests at her 4 acre property in a Tree House in Ohio,.